Weston Price: Natural Food = Health

Posted in Healthy Food & Agriculture, Key Pages on March 16th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

These “primitive” people at left have perfect teeth and perfect health, yet have no toothbrushes, no toothpaste, no dentists, and no doctors.  How is this possible?  I recently made a post about Joel Salatin and Dr. Joel Fuhrman, two people who are really having an impact on my thinking about food and health. My own eating habits have changed thanks to Dr. Joel Fuhrman and my view of agriculture has changed because of Joel Salatin. But one serious question remained in my mind about food and now, thanks to my reading of “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Weston Price DDS, my question is answered! Let me explain. The problem I was having was that on the one hand, Joel Fuhrman promotes a largely vegetable diet – leafy greens and fruits primarily – and recommends minimizing meat, dairy and grains. But on the other hand, Joel Salatin promotes a lot of meat eating and says things like “my eggs cure people.” How to reconcile these two different pieces of information. Enter Weston Price. (Recommended to me by Joel Salatin in his latest book “Folks This Ain’t Normal”). Price did a very comprehensive scientific study of “primitive” Read more »