“Germs” Are Not Evil! (We Baptists Should Have Known This of All People)

Posted in Creation/Evolution, General Science, Healthy Food & Agriculture on July 13th, 2013 by dhawkinsmo

I’m sure you’ve all seen this sign or a similar signs in bathrooms. Evil, horrible looking little green monster representing the “germ” that’s out to get us, but “Oh thank heaven, Proctor and Gamble to the rescue!” Our little darlings will not die from some dread disease because the wonderful people at Proctor make anti-microbial soap which everyone should use to kill those evil nasty germs.

Well, hold on. That’s a really nice marketing message that sells a lot of P&G product, but it’s just not true. Or at best, it’s a half truth. The truth is – and we Baptists should have known this better than others because we read our Bibles more (I’ve heard Catholics call us the “Bible Cult”) – Genesis 1:25 states that “God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Did you catch that? Germs creepeth. Do they not? And God said all these critters are “good” right? And nothing in Genesis 3 about the Fall & Curse indicates anything to me that microbes suddenly went from being “good” to being “evil.” (I differ from Answers in Genesis on this one) So why are we buying a marketing message from P&G that says otherwise? Can someone please tell me? Well, I think the answer is that all of us (including Baptists) like to pick and choose which Scriptures to emphasize and which ones not to emphasize, and this is one which is never preached on (or perhaps I was sleeping through that one). Too bad it’s not once in awhile because it’s a pretty important message. If we study this out, we find that disease is not “caused by germs” as we have been taught. (Germ Theory proposed by Robert Koch)  Rather, disease is caused by living our lives contrary to God’s Design for Nature. This involves food, work habits and rest, and also things like freedom from stress, worry and guilt, and a focus on others, rather than one’s self. Many of us are very good students of the Bible, but may I suggest that in this area, we could use a little improvement? More on the fallacies of Germ Theory found HERE.

By the way … I was first introduced to the idea that “germs are not inherently evil” by none other than the “Pastor of the Pasture” – Joel Salatin.  I think it was in his book “Salad Bar Beef.”  In this book, Salatin introduced me to Antoine Bechamp, rival of Pasteur, who taught that disease was caused by “conditions” in the body (he called it “terrain”), not by germs.  Yes, the germs attack the body, but only if “provoked” by unhealthy conditions in the body.