Amazing Things I Learned in 2011

Posted in Healthy Food & Agriculture on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

I posted this on Facebook late last year, but I’m copying it to my blog so it is searchable by everyone.

1) The plow and the tiller are two of our greatest enemies. They are destroying our soil and hence, our ability to feed ourselves in the future.
2) The Native Americans (whom Europeans displaced with our guns and our plows) had a sustainable food system. We would be wise to rediscover many of their ways. Read more »

God in Ancient China, Part II

Posted in Biblical on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

Pastor Kong Hee gives a follow up talk to his Chinese New Year talk about God in Ancient China. Part I shows how the knowledge of the One True God, worshipped by Jews and Christians, was written into the ancient Chinese language. Now this video gives much more detail about the ancient Chinese worship and how closely it paralleled the worship of the Ancient Hebrews. Apparently, there was an emperor in China named Kang Xi who proclaimed Christianity to be the religion of the whole empire. I never knew this before. One of the most amazing things in this video is Pastor Hee’s claim that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were all recorded in Chinese documents at the time they occurred. He gives references to the original works. That would be a very interesting follow up study.

Wallace, Contemporary of Darwin Rails Against Immunizations

Posted in Healthy Food & Agriculture on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

Many home schoolers that I know don’t immunize their kids. But did you know that when immunizations were first introduced in England, there were prominent scientists who spoke out against them? One such scientist was Alfred Russel Wallace, whose Theory of Natural Selection prompted Darwin to publish his own theory. Chapter 18 of his book “The Wonderful Century” is entitled “Vaccination a Delusion – It’s Penal Enforcement a Crime” … read it online for free here … LINK … quite an interesting read.

Germs, Disease, the Hygiene Hypothesis and Bechamp vs. Pasteur

Posted in Healthy Food & Agriculture on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

I have been re-reading Joel Salatin’s latest book “Folks, This Ain’t Normal” and a statement he makes in there (p. 300) really corrects our messed up thinking about “germs” and disease. He says

“The point is that if I, as a beef producer, don’t feed grain and silage to my animals, even if your steak has some E. coli on it, you won’t get sick. For decades on our farm we’ve treated ourselves to ice cream bars after processing chicken. We’ve never even washed our hands. Guts to ice cream. Yum. We’ve never even gotten sick.”

Wow. Read Joel’s books if you want to understand this “radical” thinking. In short, Joel has found the key to eliminating almost all disease (in both humans and animals) by eating and living in accordance with nature’s designs. I’m not kidding. It is now my studied opinion that we all would have been better off if Louis Pasteur had gone into shoe sales instead of microbiology and we had listened to his rival Bechamp instead. Pretty good Bechamp link HERE. “Germs” are not the bad guys. It is living contrary to nature’s patterns (God’s designs) that is the problem. What Bechamp tells us is that microbes (bacteria and viruses) mutate to harmful forms because of the bad environment in the body caused by eating unnatural foods. Also, Google Hygiene Hypothesis for information on how most city folks are just way too clean. Oprah is now getting on board this new (but really age old) “diet and lifestyle cures diseases” bandwagon. She highlights remote people groups who live to be 100 with virtually no sickness. Blue Zones You can also go to for articles and books. Also LINK HERE

Ancient Chinese and Ancient Hebrews Worshipped Same God

Posted in Biblical on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

Awesome, amazing video about Genesis and the Chinese Language, presented by Pastor Kong Hee in Singapore (with Mandarin interpreter) … I was initially alerted to this video by two books by Ethel R. Nelson – “Discovery of Genesis” and “God’s Promise to the Chinese.” Pastor Hee is an excellent communicator and in my opinion does an outstanding job of explaining this topic. Recently I was able to watch this video with a native Chinese person who speaks Mandarin and who was able to verify the validity of this information.

Ancient Hebrew Hieroglyphics

Posted in Biblical on March 17th, 2012 by dhawkinsmo

Coolest Bible study ever … I never knew before that ancient Hebrew used hieroglyphics (word pictures) … I had always heard of Egyptian hieroglyphics, but never Hebrew (Chinese also uses hieroglyphics) … My study of this (thanks to Ken Nair and his “Life Partners” marriage seminar) helped me to finally understand (after 22 years of marriage) the wife’s primary role in a marriage … No it’s not cooking and cleaning and cheer leading … It is “revealing the enemy” (the enemy being un-Christlikeness) which wars against her husband. See pic at left. Ancient Hebrew on left, modern on right. Enjoy. Here’s the Amazon link for the book …LINK HERE. So the ancient Hebrew word “ezer” literally means “revealer of the ‘ax man’ or enemy”, the idea being a military setting. Quite a different sense from the KJV translation of “help meet” and the modern interpretations of this.  The wife is a “watchman” designed to detect the slightest bit of un-Christlikeness in her husband. And boy is my wife good at this! Wow. So now that I understand this, I can appreciate my wife’s role much better and actually benefit from it, instead of getting irritated when she reacts against something I do wrong. As Ken explains, she’s SUPPOSED to react like that. That’s how God designed her! Amazing stuff. I wish I had learned this 25 years ago!